Corporate governance
Imagem Principal

Comprising more than 7.670 members and 480 employees, Cooabriel strives for governance, through decision-making processes, customs and organizational culture, to maintain a balanced relationship between members, employees and administration, with transparency and respect as key points.

As it is a cooperative, Cooabriel operates under specific legislation and in accordance with statutory principles. In addition to holding Assemblies to render accounts, elections, and other consultations, the cooperative also develops complementary work to ensure that information reaches everyone. Among these, the preparatory assembly meetings and the advisory board stand out.

Because of this positioning, Cooabriel is recognized by the market as a cooperative that values the practice of the cooperative principles and transparency and seriousness with regard to its governance.

Executive Board

Cooabriel's Executive Board is composed of:

Luiz Carlos Bastianello - President
Onivaldo Lorenzoni- Vice-President
Jonathan Rondelli- Secretary

Administrative Council:

Cooabriel's Board of Directors is formed by the following directors:

Aldecyr Pinto Pirschner
Edimilson Calegari
Geraldo Camilo Pereira
Nivaldo Mauri
Tiago Herzog da Silva
Verônica Kruger Wutke de Oliveira

Fiscal Council:

Cooabriel's Fiscal Council is formed by the following members:

Anderson Castelan Colombi
Gleison Marcos Nimer
Maicon Sossai

Eloiza Rocha Lopes Magnago
Luiz César Gasparini
Marcos Pigatti 

Membros Efetivos

Membros Suplentes

General Superintendence:

Currently, Carlos Augusto Pandolfi is the General Superintendent of Cooabriel.