
Corporative identity

To contribute to the development of cooperative members, employees and society through innovative and sustainable agribusiness.

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VideoCooabriel Results Presentation 2023
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Who We Are

Learn about our history

With 61 years of foundation, Cooabriel - Cooperativa Agrária de Cafeicultores de São Gabriel is the largest conilon coffee cooperative in Brazil.

The history of the cooperative is intertwined with the history of the municipality where it is headquartered, São Gabriel da Palha/ES. In 1963, in face of the challenges faced at the time, some people got together in search of solutions. This ideal of cooperation was what gave birth to Cooabriel, under the incentive of Father Simão Civalero, then municipal parish priest, who, in the 50's, already promoted meetings and courses in cooperativism, as a way to seek solutions to the challenges faced by producers.

Our Numbers 2023

Our History

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